Saturday, September 11, 2010

Mest, Good Charlotte & Goldfinger - The Innocent (Live)

I am posting this for two reasons. 1 cause it's 9/11 and well, that's what this song is about. Also for Steph cause I know we have talked about this event and I told her I would one day find the video of the guy eating it when trying to stage dive into the crowd during GC/Mest's performance of "The Innocent"

From back when NRK was 100% more awesome than it is now.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Self taught AKA how I learn the hard way

I bought myself whole wheat flour. I did not go the smart route and get the whole wheat pastry flour, oh no, I got regular whole wheat flour.
I mixed it in a 2:1 ratio with left over white flour I had in the cupboard.
This was not the right ratio, as I found out when the biscuits I made turned out like rocks.
Okay, so they weren't rocks, they were somewhat edibile(with a ton of butter, which I guess cancels out the health benefits altogether) but Christopher wouldn't eat them, so of course most of them went bad.
Now, I am making it a point to do a bit of research before I go off trying new ingredients. It isn't going too badly, so far.
I'll try biscuits again and let you know the result.
As of right now I'm waiting on some slow cooked pork ribs in the oven, hopefully they turn out as good as usuall. See normally I use sauce, especially when baking ribs instead of grilling. Today I decided to try a dry rub and see what happens. So I dry rubbed the heck out of these puppies, poured some water in the bottom of the broiler pan and covered them in foil. If all goes well I will have pictures to add to this entry in a few short hours.
If not I'll blame the internet for giving me this haphazard idea!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Half a Lifetime

So I haven't updated in awhile, don't be upset I had a fantastic reason! Family!
That's right, we had family in town to visit. My dad's family to be exact. His mother and older brother flew in from Chicago. I haven't seen them in 15 years! That's half of my lifetime! Crazy I know! It gets better. They haven't been out here to the west coast to visit since the late 1980's. I think my uncle may have been in town on business when I was around 12, but he only stopped by for a couple hours before he had to jump on a plane and leave again. I must say it was very wonderful to see them again.

Here are a few pictures from the BBQ we had yesterday to send them off.

Uncle David, Myself, my 'little' brother Mac
Mom, Grandmother and Dad
September 1, 2010'

Uncle David & Dad in the front yard

Dad & Grandmother

My little brother Mac,
the pit master!

Uncle David, Grandmother & Dad
waiting on dinner